Dock up to four apps at the same time and create virtual desktops, if you need more space or want to combine content for a project, for example, Office apps for work and games for leisure. Keep track by simply docking of apps and optimized screen division for more productive work. Windows 10 Pro provides optimum support in everything you do. Cortana learns over time more and more about you and can help you better every day. Cortana is a personal digital assistant, which will follow 10 devices on all your Windows and helps you get things done. You'll also get new features such as a brand new browser to the web even better to be on the road, and your personal digital assistant Cortana. You benefit from faster system boot, a familiar, but improved Start menu and new ways to get things done quickly. With Windows 10 Pro you have a reliable operating system on your device. You get the EXCELLENT WORLD CLASS Support, well worth it!! We are NOT the kind who has made the sales, then don't give damn about you! We care about you after sales! We will help you as much as possible.